Advanced PHP coURSE
Overview of the PHP
- Introduction of different Web Technology
- What is PHP
- How PHP Works
- Summary
Setting up and Installing PHP
- Installing Apache http server
- Installation of PHP
- Introduction, History, Web Brower, Web Server, Xampp, Installation and Configuration files.
- Summary
HTML, CSS & JavaScript
- Basic of HTML, CSS and JavaScript
- Summary
- PHP Syntax
- PHP Variables
- PHP String
- PHP Operators
- PHP If...Else
- PHP Switch
- PHP Arrays
- PHP While Loops
- PHP For Loops
- PHP Functions
- PHP Forms
- PHP Advanced
- PHP Date
- PHP Include
- PHP File
- PHP File Upload
- PHP Cookies
- PHP Sessions
- PHP E-mail
- PHP Secure E-mail
- PHP Error
- PHP Exception
- PHP Filter
Overview of MY SQL
- Installation of MY SQL
- Introduction about Database, Data Types, DML, DDL, Aggregate functions, Data Time functions, Stored Procedure, Sub query and join
- MySQL Introduction
- MySQL Connect
- MySQL Create
- MySQL Insert
- MySQL Select
- MySQL Where
- MySQL Order By
- MySQL Update
- MySQL Delete
- Summary
Coding Standards
- Overview of coding standards follows during programming
- Summary
JavaScript Validation
- Required Field Validator Control
- Regular Expression Validator Control
- Compare Field Validator Control
- Range Validator Control
- Validation Summary Control
- Custom Validator Control
- Summary
AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML)
- About Ajax
- Setting up and implementing Ajax
- PHP and AJAX
- AJAX Intro
- AJAX Database
- AJAX Live Search
- AJAX RSS Reader
- AJAX Poll
- Summary
FTP Management
- Understanding FTP
- Setting up FTP Server
- Uploading and downloading FTP contents
- Summary
Sending Emails
- Designing email panel
- How to send an email to various users
- Sending auto emails
- Summary
- Deploying application on Web Server
- Summary
Live Project
- Getting customer’s requirements
- Preparing database and business logics
- Developing application
- Testing and implementing the project
- Troubleshooting the project application after implementation
- Summary